January 25, 2023

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What is original sin?

Question: An acquaintance asked me about the original sin and I referred to the story as it is found in the book of Genesis in

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Divorce effect on children

The effects of divorce

Question: Father, a sister of mine has just divorced and has left her home with her four young children. My nephews are very hurt by

Is vanity always a sin?

Question: I would like to know to what extent vanity is a sin, both in men and women.  Response: Vanity in the strict sense consists

generational sin

Does generational sin exist?

Question: Does generational sin exist? Is it a Catholic practice to pray for the healing of my family tree? Answer: In some Catholic circles –


Is blasphemy always a sin?

Question Dear Father: Unfortunately, I have gotten into the habit of blaspheming from hearing it so much in my family. Many times I don’t realize