What the
Church Says

About Marriage.
About Contraception.
About Confession Over Video Call.
About using Marijuana.
Morally Equipping The Faithful For Life.
What should we think of people who say to have “private revelations”?
What are the Psychological Side Effects of an Abortion?
What does Psychology say about Homosexual Couples Adopting Children?
What is the moral perspective on siamese twins being surgically separated?


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No one can escape
from the fundamental questions:
What must I do? How do I distinguish good from evil?

The answer is only possible thanks to the splendor of the truth which shines forth deep within the human spirit, as the Psalmist bears witness: “There are many who say: ‘O that we might see some good! Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord’ ” (Ps 4:6).

|Pope Saint John Paul II


CATHOLIC Q&A is an apostolic work of the Institute of The Incarnate Word directed by Fr. Miguel Á. Fuentes, ThD

Fr. Miguel Á. Fuentes, ThD.

Fr. Miguel Á. Fuentes, is a priest of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, an author, speaker, and founder of world-wide online ministry. He has a licentiate in theology from the Pontifical University of the Angelicum in Rome and a doctorate in theology with a specialization in marriage and the family from the Giovanni Paolo II Institute of the Lateran University in Rome.