Category: Family and Marriage

Teach Modesty

How can I teach my children to be modest?

Question: I am asking for your guidance on how I can educate my children on the importance of modesty. I have young children and also some who have begun adolescence. I hope you can help me.  Response: Modesty is the tendency to hide something in order to defend one’s intimacy

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God's plan, women

Where is the true respect for women?

Question: Dear sirs: I believe that many laws exist that are not applicable to modern life and that should be updated by the hierarchy of the Church. I am very concerned about contraception. As a married woman, I believe I have the right to decide my life; I don’t think

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I am not married, but I am good with God.

Question: What if I am not married in the Church but feel fine with God? Answer: I will speak to you as one who seeks your spiritual good and only your happiness. As you seem to realize, under the law of God, it is not right to live with someone

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Is it possible to marry a divorced person?

Question: I am asking this because my cousin wants to know if they can marry someone who is divorced. Thank you for your big help. Answer: Your question requires some clarification to be answered correctly. I will answer it as follows: 1) If the person was married by the Church,

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Contraceptives side effects

Do contraceptives have side effects?

Question: Do contraceptives have side effects? Answer: New studies show growing concern  WASHINGTON, Saturday, January 15th, 2005 ( – While governments and family planning organizations continue to support contraceptives, new evidence is emerging about dangerous side effects. In England, the Children’s Minister, Margaret Hodge, said she was in favor of

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