Category: Family and Marriage

Communion - divorced

Can I receive Communion if I am divorced and remarried?

Question: Can a divorced couple receive communion? Answer: Let us distinguish between several different situations: 1. Civilly remarried divorcees It is necessary to distinguish those who want to lead an active marital life and those who cannot separate, for some reason, but are willing to live as brother and sister.

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marriage problems

What to do when Difficulties Arise in Marriage?

Question: Father, I am going through a very difficult moment in my marriage, and I’m almost at the point of separating.  Many other people get involved (such as my family and those of my husband) and they confuse us with their pressure and counsels, which are at times very contradictory.

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Humanae Vitae

Is Humanae Vitae a prophetic encyclical?

Question: Did the encyclical of Pope Paul VI predict what we suffer today in society? Answer: Humanae Vitae is a prophetic encyclical for many reasons. It is prophetic in a broad sense, that is, it is a testimony of the Magisterium, of its commitment to the truth that does not

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Divorce effect on children

The effects of divorce

Question: Father, a sister of mine has just divorced and has left her home with her four young children. My nephews are very hurt by the situation and do not understand what has happened with their parents. My question is: can their parents’ divorce have any effect on them? Answer:

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What does the Church teach about contraception?

Question: I am a student at a Catholic school and I was asked to do research on contraceptives. I want to ask you for help on this topic and the Church’s point of view. I need to know with clear foundations why the Church opposes this method, whether it is

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Is my wife required to obey me?

Is my wife required to obey me?

Question: My name is T., I live in R., Ecuador, I am married and I have 2 children. Christ is the head of the Church and man is the head of the family. For thousands of years it always was so but in recent times women have become more independent

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