Category: Divorce and Annulments

What are the causes of annulment of a marriage?

Question: What are the causes of annulment of a marriage? Response: The causes can be divided into three categories:  1) By reason of an invalidating canonical impediment, which was not (or could not be) dispensed, including: age, impotence, a prior marriage, disparity of religion, sacred orders, religious vows, abduction, crime,

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Divorce - Jesus

Did Jesus Christ admit divorce?

Question: Does Jesus Christ teach that divorce is lawful at least in certain exceptional cases? How are Christ’s words in Matthew to be interpreted: ‘except in case of adultery’? Response: Matrimony is indissoluble by nature and by positive institution of God: by nature because without indissolubility the ends of marriage

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marriage problems

What to do when Difficulties Arise in Marriage?

Question: Father, I am going through a very difficult moment in my marriage, and I’m almost at the point of separating.  Many other people get involved (such as my family and those of my husband) and they confuse us with their pressure and counsels, which are at times very contradictory.

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Divorce effect on children

The effects of divorce

Question: Father, a sister of mine has just divorced and has left her home with her four young children. My nephews are very hurt by the situation and do not understand what has happened with their parents. My question is: can their parents’ divorce have any effect on them? Answer:

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What the church says on annulment

Question: Dear Father: I would like to know if a marriage can be annulled by the Church or how you can obtain a permission from to be remarried by the Church Answer: The Church does not annul a validly performed and consummated marriage (i.e. when after the marriage ceremony it

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