Category: Bioethics

Can we adopt a frozen embryo?

Question: We are a Christian couple; we have not been able to have children, so we decided to adopt a child; we did it and we are very happy, but we want to have more children and we are going to start a second adoption; now, we recently learned about

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When does a human being begin to be a human being? 

Question: When does a human being begin to be a human being?  Answer: (The following is an excerpt from Fr. Fuentes’ Stolen Truths). If you study medicine, biology, embryology, pharmacy, nursing, or some related sciences, it would not be strange for you to hear the most absurd things about the

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What about cloning human organs?

Question: I would like to know if someone from this organization could help me. I need current information about the medical ethics in the cloning of human organs, which are obtained from fetal cells in totipotential stage. I have been all over medline and the internet and I can’t find

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What does the Church teach about contraception?

Question: I am a student at a Catholic school and I was asked to do research on contraceptives. I want to ask you for help on this topic and the Church’s point of view. I need to know with clear foundations why the Church opposes this method, whether it is

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