Is it lawful to seek a healthy and perfect child with the advances in medicine?
Question: Father: Is it permissible to resort to technical advances to avoid having children with diseases, for them to be healthy and perfect children? What
Question: Father: Is it permissible to resort to technical advances to avoid having children with diseases, for them to be healthy and perfect children? What
Question: We have met a woman who seems very nice and very Catholic, who supposedly receives private revelations from Our Lady. In the prayer group
Question: Is there truly such thing as a post abortion syndrome? If so, what does it consist of and how does it affect the woman
Question: What does Psychology and Psiquiatry say regarding adoption from homosexual couples? Answer: To whom it may concern: I am responding to you with a
Question: Can Siamese twins who share the same heart and part of the liver be surgically separated? Answer: The question refers to the case of
Question: As I understand it, and I believe, animation occurs at the very moment of conception, which is a very popular argument against abortion. If
Question: What are the causes of annulment of a marriage? Response: The causes can be divided into three categories: 1) By reason of an invalidating
Question: We are a Christian couple; we have not been able to have children, so we decided to adopt a child; we did it and
Question: How must one help a son who consumes drugs? Answer: No one doubts that one of the contemporary dramas is the problem of drug
Question: I would like to know if it is a sin not to educate our children in a Christian way (or at least morally). It
Question: Does there exist Catholic regulation or formality or a type of biblical reference that obligates priests to perform blessings with their right hand, or
Question: Does generational sin exist? Is it a Catholic practice to pray for the healing of my family tree? Answer: In some Catholic circles –
Question: Do contraceptives have side effects? Answer: New studies show growing concern WASHINGTON, Saturday, January 15th, 2005 (Zenit.org) – While governments and family planning organizations
Question: Are lay people permitted to remove a consecrated host from the tabernacle, in good faith, on a regular basis without the priest being visually
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