Category: Family and Marriage

Is it possible to marry a divorced person?

Question: I am asking this because my cousin wants to know if they can marry someone who is divorced. Thank you for your big help. Answer: Your question requires some clarification to be answered correctly. I will answer it as follows: 1) If the person was married by the Church,

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Contraceptives side effects

Do contraceptives have side effects?

Question: Do contraceptives have side effects? Answer: New studies show growing concern  WASHINGTON, Saturday, January 15th, 2005 ( – While governments and family planning organizations continue to support contraceptives, new evidence is emerging about dangerous side effects. In England, the Children’s Minister, Margaret Hodge, said she was in favor of

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parental rights

Can parental rights be lost because of abuse?

Question: My daughter became pregnant by her boyfriend. They were dating for three years. He was 24 and a student, while she was 27 and was working. When the baby was born, neither the guy nor his family wanted to take on the responsibilities of having a child. He continued

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Is Contraception a Grave Sin?

Question: When going to confession, a priest told me that contraception is a grave sin. At the time I did not dare to ask him if it was always a mortal sin, or if in some cases it was only a venial sin. Could you answer this? Answer: I must

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What is emergency contraception?

Question: I have heard a lot of talk, including within Catholic publications, about “emergency contraception.” Forgive my ignorance, but can you explain to me what it is? Answer: The term ‘emergency contraception’ indicates a set of practices used to prevent an eventual unwanted pregnancy, using methods which act to counteract

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Divorce - Jesus

Did Jesus Christ admit divorce?

Question: Does Jesus Christ teach that divorce is lawful at least in certain exceptional cases? How are Christ’s words in Matthew to be interpreted: ‘except in case of adultery’? Response: Matrimony is indissoluble by nature and by positive institution of God: by nature because without indissolubility the ends of marriage

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