Category: Catholic Faith

What is patriotism?

Explore the complexities of patriotism and its virtues in this insightful discussion. Fr. Miguel A. Fuentes, IVE, delves into the nuances of love for one’s homeland, the importance of service, and the balance between national pride and criticism. Discover the true essence of patriotism and its significance in today’s world.

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What does “Mass” mean?

Question: We are sending this mail to ask if you know the etymology, or the exact origin of the word “mass”. We have tried to find out, and the only thing we have learned is that this word ‘does not belong to Latin’. We are very interested to know if

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Son Of Man

The “Son of man”

Question: Dear brother in Christ, I am an assiduous reader of the Bible, but I recognize that I find things in it that I cannot explain. One of those is the expression “The Son of Man”. Jesus says that He is the Son of Man; does that mean that He

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Is it ok to do yoga?

Question: I need to know how dangerous the practice of Yoga gymnastics is for a Christian. What are the risks for me as a Christian believer, since this practice is freely offered in parishes, schools, etc. It is also recommended by Catholic priests (e.g. Fr. Antony de Melo and Fr.

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What is liberation theology?

Question: Dear Fr. Fuentes, I was just assailed by a doubt yesterday when I listened to a radio program where the topic of “Liberation Theology” was mentioned. It sounded to me like something that is not very accepted by the Catholic Church. Could you let me know if I am

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Threats to Hope

Threats to Hope

Question: The question I wish to pose to you may seem a bit particular, but it is about the virtue of hope: in our times, what attitudes or things can we consider as threats to Christian hope?  Response: When you speak to me of “Christian hope”, I understand that you

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