Category: Abortion

What are the Psychological Side Effects of an Abortion?

Question: Is there truly such thing as a post abortion syndrome? If so, what does it consist of and how does it affect the woman who had an abortion? Answer: Among physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists and even priests, the so-called ‘Post-Abortion-Syndrome’ (‘P.A.S.’: ‘Post-Abortion-Syndrome’) is well known. It designates the pathological picture

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When does a human being begin to be a human being? 

Question: When does a human being begin to be a human being?  Answer: (The following is an excerpt from Fr. Fuentes’ Stolen Truths). If you study medicine, biology, embryology, pharmacy, nursing, or some related sciences, it would not be strange for you to hear the most absurd things about the

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Is it lawful to remain silent about abortion?

Question: In my country there is a very strong campaign in favor of abortion; I have asked myself several times, “when can keeping silent in the face of such a campaign be a sin?” Can you give me some guidance? Answer: I am replying to you with the sermon I

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