What is the moral perspective on siamese twins being surgically separated?
Question: Can Siamese twins who share the same heart and part of the liver be surgically separated? Answer: The question refers to the case of
Question: Can Siamese twins who share the same heart and part of the liver be surgically separated? Answer: The question refers to the case of
Question: As I understand it, and I believe, animation occurs at the very moment of conception, which is a very popular argument against abortion. If
Question: What are the causes of annulment of a marriage? Response: The causes can be divided into three categories: 1) By reason of an invalidating
Question: We are a Christian couple; we have not been able to have children, so we decided to adopt a child; we did it and
Question: How must one help a son who consumes drugs? Answer: No one doubts that one of the contemporary dramas is the problem of drug
Question: I would like to know if it is a sin not to educate our children in a Christian way (or at least morally). It
Question: What’s to be said of reality shows? Is it licit to watch them? Can we participate in them? Answer: Reality shows need no introduction;
Questions: Many sects are opposed to infant baptism, and often ask Catholics where in the Bible it says that infants can or should be baptized.
Question: Father, my son spends many hours surfing the Internet; is that bad, and can it cause him any problems? Answer: To whom it may
Question: I would like, as far as possible, to make a synthesis of Freud’s doctrine. Which are the salvageable parts of his postures and which
1. Before Confession Pray the following (it is not necessary to do so, but it can help you a lot): Jesus, my Savior, give me
Question: Did the encyclical of Pope Paul VI predict what we suffer today in society? Answer: Humanae Vitae is a prophetic encyclical for many reasons.
Question: What’s to be said of reality shows? Is it licit to watch them? Can we participate in them? Answer: Reality shows need no introduction;
Question: When you arrive late to Mass, do you commit a sin? Answer: The precept of the Church concerning the Mass says: “The first precept:
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